
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Best Way To Lose Weight by Anne Collins

I'm convinced that there is no "correct" way to diet or achieve long term weight loss. It's a case of "different strokes for different folks". So if you are comfortable with a low-carb plan, that's fine. Or if you prefer a more balanced eating plan, that's fine too. As long as you eat healthy foods and get physically active, the extra weight is gonna disappear!

Many dieters know exactly what they need to eat in order to lose weight. They also know about the importance of regular exercise. Trouble is, after months or years of failing to achieve their weight loss goals, they feel their chances of losing weight are close to zero. This is why support and motivation are so important.

How to Start Losing Weight

* First, forget everything that has happened so far. Forget about your dieting failures, forget about any recent weight gain you might have experienced, forget about your fat tummy or thighs and give yourself a clean sheet. I know this is easier said than done, but it's very important if you want to lose weight and take back control of your life.

* Second, stop trying to be the "perfect dieter". No one is perfect when it comes to dieting and losing weight - not me, not you - no one! So you are going to make mistakes. You may crash in the first week. You may go on a huge eating binge in the second week. You may not do a single minute of physical exercise in week 3. It doesn't matter. Why not? Because when (not if) these things happen, you are gonna start over. And eventually you will get it right and achieve all your weight loss goals.

* Third, don't "wait" to have a bad day or bad week on your diet. Instead, you are gonna plan for it. You are going to assume that your weight loss program goes up in smoke and you are going to have an "action-plan" to help you recover and start losing weight again. So sit down and plan what to do.

Maybe arrange to phone a close friend for support. Or decide to take a long walk. Or clean out your garden shed. It doesn't matter what you choose, as long as you have a program of action organized. Because when your diet plan flies out the window, you are gonna feel REAL guilty and start eating lots of calories. By having a specific plan to fall back on, you will overcome your temporary dieting problem and return to your weight loss plan.

* Fourth, stop thinking that dieting is a pain in the butt. The truth is, a healthy weight loss diet is not boring, or painful or uncomfortable. It is your passport to a new life. It is going to open up wonderful opportunities for you. The only thing that is boring, painful and uncomfortable is staying overweight. But you are gonna change all this. You are going to follow a healthy diet and lose weight and enjoy every moment.

Above all, start believing that you can reduce weight. Don't forget - achieving starts with believing. So no matter how overweight you are, or how unfit you are, start believing in your ability to get rid of all your excess fat and start over on a brand new life.


I could not have said anything better myself. Really this and follow the steps....following this will get you further than the actual diet. You always have to be ready for damage control. Though I just found this article these are the very things that keep me on track and focused. SO go on...create a PLAN B

Monday, June 21, 2010

PINK Ladies Boot Camp

Our first boot camp class starts July 6th. Uber EXCITED!!

Jenny and I have been working very hard to put this together. I will post more as the class begins. We hold boot camp outside. So we have to remember to have our "recruits" get plenty of water breaks.

The classes will consist of basic calisthenics that use body weight to tone and stregthen. But don't be fooled this class will be far from basic and boring. There will be plenty of surprises along the way....stay tuned for pictures and exercise tips.

2010 Icelandic Seafood Fest 8K Run

Ladies this was by far THEE best race I have ever run, Why? You ask....because I ran it with my best bud Jenny. We have been running together for a couple years but this our first race together. Of course we were all decked out in PINK Ladies Running Gear (our running club we created) and I think we got some pictures in the paper.

The race was nice. It was pretty humid out however and it was pretty brutal, but having my buddy with me made all the difference in the world. The second water stop ran out of water and having her helped me through my extreme thirstiness. lol

The celebration party was by far enough to make up for the the water stop. The food was cooked by Bone Fish Grill. There was Panko Breaded fish and their famous bang-bang shrimp. The two free beers didn't hurt either.